
Expanded Travis County’s cite and release program, a program that JP5 administers, so more people are not being arrested and sent to jail for low priority non-violent misdemeanor offenses.
Became a statewide leader regarding best practices with self-represented litigants, teaching a course required for continuing legal education to JPs in Texas in 2019-2020
Instituted a program with the non-profit, Texas Poverty Law Project, and other non-profit legal programs, to provide lawyers to all indigent litigants facing a class C misdemeanor case or eviction case. The first program of its kind in Travis County for justice courts.
Became a state leader in the judicial systems response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including chairing the Texas Supreme Court’s COVID-19 Response Task Force for Justice Courts and ordering ways to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the courts that have been modeled throughout Texas.